
Common Causes of Blocked Drains

Your drains are your home's unseen, often unspoken heroes. They're the silent workers, tirelessly managing what we'd rather not think about. But, when they start acting up, oh boy, does it become a household saga? We've all been there, haven't we? 

One day, everything's flowing smoothly, and the next, you're standing in a puddle of water, wondering where you went wrong.

Now, you might not be aspiring to become the next great plumbing detective, but a little insider knowledge goes a long way. You see, blocked drains are a mystery begging to be solved. And who better to lead you through this than the seasoned pros at Distinct Plumbing

Let’s reveal the usual (and not-so-usual) suspects who could be plotting against your pipes.


Hair is the unassuming culprit, often overlooked until your shower resembles a mini-lake. It’s not just the long, luscious locks that contribute to this issue. Even short hair can band together over time, forming a blockade worthy of a spy movie. 

The solution? 

Simple and effective—invest in a drain guard. These handy little heroes catch hair before it descends into the abyss and make your morning routine a tad more peaceful.


Moving to the kitchen, grease and oil are the notorious villains in your sink’s story. It’s a common mistake to wash them in the sink after cooking. But they don't just flow away into oblivion. Instead, they cool, harden, and throw a greasy party in your pipes. The best defence strategy is to pour that excess grease into a container (an old jar works wonders) and dispose of it in the trash. Trust us, your drains will thank you.

Food Bits

Food waste that escapes from your plate might seem harmless, but it's actually quite the opposite. Over time, it accumulates, creating unwanted compost in your pipes. 

What’s the fix? 

Scrape off those plates thoroughly before washing them. If you’re using a garbage disposal, run cold water during and after its use—it helps keep things smooth and blockage-free.

Soap Scum

In your bathroom, soap scum might be doing more damage than you realise. Soap scum builds up silently, reducing the diameter of pipes and setting the stage for clogs. Cleaning on a regular basis with a vinegar and baking soda mixture will help control this cunning culprit. It’s a natural and effective way to maintain a healthy drainage environment.

The Miniature Intruders

Have you ever dropped something small down the drain and thought, “Well, it’s gone forever?” Small objects can become major headaches when they decide to take up permanent residence in your pipes. Whether it's a lost earring or a toy, these tiny invaders can create blockages that are not just annoying but also expensive to fix. The solution is to always use sink strainers and be mindful of what goes down your drain.

Toilet Paper 

While it’s designed to disintegrate, too much can still lead to blockages, especially in older or weaker plumbing systems. The rule of thumb here is moderation—use what you need and be aware of your plumbing’s capacity. It’s a delicate balance that can prevent many from having an awkward plunger moment.

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