
How to Prevent Blocked Drains in Winter

Blocked drains are one problem that can easily be encountered in your home during the winter season. The irony of this situation is that we are often caught slacking in caring for our drainage systems during the winter. And this can be detrimental to our home and the larger society.

It is essential to stay alert and take measures against blocked drains to avoid the need to call a plumber. By doing this, you will also be simultaneously saving money.

Indeed, several things can cause a blocked drain. Some of them are listed below:

  1. Fats and oil are sticking and accumulating on the walls of the pipework.
  2. Leaves and twigs block the outside drains of a home.
  3. Freezing stagnant water in the pipes, which, if not handled, can lead to a broken line,
  4. Rusting of the stop valve underneath the sink.

These are a few problems that, if left unchecked, will undoubtedly lead to a blocked drain.

Tips for Preventing Blocked Drains

During the winter, there are things you can do, routines, or habits you should develop to ensure you do not have a blocked drain or broken pipe. Here are some of the proven ways:

  1. After using the sink, clean off food particles manually by gathering them with your hands and throwing them in a bin.
  2. Let the tap run for an extra ten seconds after using the sink.
  3. Be careful what you flush down the drain.
  4. Check the stop valve at least once a week to notice rusting or sticking.
  5. Occasionally, pour hot water down the drain to melt and wash away any fat and oil deposits in the sink.
  6. Clear away debris from the outside drains of your home regularly.
  7. Rectify any dripping taps, as this encourages freezing during the winter.
  8. Inspect all the pipes in your home for leakage.
  9. Be vigilant to notice any signs of blocked drains, like slow draining, unpleasant smells, and more.
  10. Regularly check your bath or shower drains for any blockages.

These are some of the habits we should adopt to ensure that blocked drains do not occur, but even after all this, employ a plumber’s services.


Never think that not using your house’s drains during the winter prevents blocked drains, because this habit is one primary cause of blocked drains. Constantly using the pipes in a home is a form of conducting maintenance on them. In addition, maintaining your pipe quality is demanding during the winter.

However, insulation is a sure way to curb blocked drains. Still, you can choose to employ the services of a competent plumbing company offering quality work at affordable rates. You can contact Distinct Plumbing for quality plumbing services by clicking here.

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