
Don’t Underestimate the Damage a Blocked Drain Can Do! Call Distinct Plumbing today!

Most people forget about the drains regarding home cleaning and maintenance. They only think about them when the drains get blocked. By then, some damage had already been done.

That is why you need to call a professional plumbing service immediately. Food, grease, debris, and other substances that slowly accumulate in the pipes make it simple for the drains to become clogged. Leaving the drains blocked can lead to severe problems around the house.

Here are some of them:


When the drains get blocked, the water remains in the pipes. It has nowhere to go. As the water accumulates in the lines, it builds pressure. Eventually, the pipes will burst and leak. That's how blocked drains can cause water damage to walls and floors.

If left unrepaired, blocked drains can even jeopardize the structural integrity of your house.

Structural Damage

Blocked drains can cause issues for your entire plumbing system. The water flowing back from the clogged gutters can soak into the foundation of your house. It can weaken its structure.

By then, the cost of repair will be extremely high. That is why repairing blocked drains immediately will save you money.

Health Issues

The water damage from blocked drains will not only affect your home but also harm your health. Clogged gutters cause water and waste to flow back into the sink. This will contaminate the sink and anything touching it.

Bacteria will grow, and diseases and viruses will spread in the house.

Mold and pests

Standing water is an ideal spot for pests to thrive. Blocked drains will provide the perfect environment for pests and mold to grow. This will significantly affect family members with asthma and airborne allergies.

To save your family from such health risks, you need to get the blocked drains repaired immediately.

Unpleasant Smell

Another issue with blocked drains is the awful smell. Blocked drains hinder the water from flowing down the pipes. As a result, the water and waste will accumulate in the pipes and release toxic gases into your home.

This will lead to the production of foul odors. It can also cause headaches and nausea. You might think of chemical cleaners as a solution.

However, they are loaded with harmful toxins that can worsen the smell. At Distinct Plumbing, we are your local blocked drain experts. Our team can handle everything from clearing minor drain blockages to re-lining damaged pipes.

We use state-of-the-art technology to inspect blocked drains, remove blockages, and repair damaged pipes. The method we use to fix blocked drains is non-invasive. It will not require any digging or demolition.

Do not let blocked drains damage your home and your health. Contact us now!

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